or Zelle to info@apag.us
Don’t forget to add shipping $7.50
- Daile Kaplan
- Rick Wester
- Christianreilly – California
- Jennifer Stoots – Oregon
Archival Supplies
Archive Organizations
- Nathan Hoerschelmann and Gabriel Dietz (Seattle)
- Marc Jacobson (New York)
- Nate A. Kleinman (New York)
- Brian S. Levenson (New York)
- John Pelosi (New York)
- Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
- Artsy – online
- Christie’s
- Heritage
- Phillips
- Sotheby’s
- Swann Galleries
- The Artist Estate – A Handbook for Artists, Executors and Heirs – Loretta Wurtenberger, www.artists-estates.com
- Photographs: Archival Care and Management (Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler & Diane L. Vogt-O’Connor, Society of American Archivists (2006))
- The Legal Guide for Writers, Artists and Other Creative People: Protect Your Work and Understand the Law. https://www.amazon.com/Legal-Writers-Artists-Creative-People-ebook/dp/B01MUSF42T
Copyright Information
- Copyright.gov (U.S. copyright registration)
- Cornell University
- Stanford University
- RightsClick Manage and enforce your copyright
Database Programs/Support
- Ryan Buckley – Filemaker development/support
Film/Video Transfers and Editing
- Craven Films – Michael Craven
- DiJiFi
Graphic Designers
- czdesign.com – Christine Zamora
Independent Archivists
Independent Workshops
- Arts and Business Partners – (Alice Zimet)
Insurance (fine art)
Magazines/On-line Newsletters
- aCurator
- Aperture
- Art Photo Index
- L’oeil de la photographie
- Luminous Lint
- New York Photography Diary
- Photograph Magazine
- The Photo Review
Marketing and Consulting
- Arts and Business Partners (Alice Zimet)
- ARS Artists Rights Society
- APA American Photographic Artists
- ASMP American Society of Media Photographers
- ASPP American Society of Picture Professionals
- PLUS Picture Licensing Universal System
- SAA Society of American Archivists
- SPE Society for Photographic Education
Photo Fairs
- The Association of International Photography Art Dealers
- The Armory Show
- Paris Photo
- Photoville
- Photo LA
- PhotoFairs
Photographic Labs
Preservation / Restorers
- J. Luca Ackerman
- American Institute for Conservation
- The Better Image
- Conservation Center for Art and Artifacts
- Paul Messier
- Northeast Document Conservation Center
Public Relations
- The Archives (Joshua Greene)
- Judy Schiller
Storage for Fine Art
Traveling Shows
Website Designers
- kpfdigital.com – Kenneth Feldman
- bigflannel.com – Mike Hartley
George Tice: “Seeing Beyond the Moment”
Harold Feinstein: “Last Stop Coney Island”
Tony Vaccaro and Santi Visalli: “Mentors”
Willard and Barbara Morgan Archive moves to UCLA
Jack Mitchell: Photographs of Artists
Tony Vaccaro and Santi Visalli: “Mentors” (2019)
Directed by Andrew Davis
Peter Angelo Simon: “48 Hours with Muhammad Ali” (2019)
Directed by Dan Glynn
Harold Feinstein – “Last Stop Coney Island The Life and Photography of Harold Feinstein” (2018)
Directed by Andy Dunn
George Tice – “George Tice: Seeing Beyond the Moment” (2018)
Directed by Peter Bosco, Bruce Wodder and Douglas Underdahl
Saul Leiter -“In No Great Hurry; 13 Lessons in Life with Saul Leiter” (2013)
Directed by Tomas Leach
Bob Gruen – “Rock ‘N’ Roll Exposed: The Photography of Bob Gruen” (2011)
Directed by Don Letts
Yousuf Karsh – “Karsh is History” (2009)
Morris Engel – “Morris Engel: The Independent” (2008)
Directed by Mary Engel
Jack Mitchell – “Jack Mitchell: My Life is Black and White” (2006)
Directed by Craig Highberger
Gordon Parks – “Half Past Autumn: The Life and Words of Gordon Parks” (2000)
Directed by Craig Rice
Ruth Orkin – “Ruth Orkin: Frames of Life” (1995)
Directed by Mary Engel