- London Tube, 1970
- Anti Peace March protesters, New York City 1966
- Linda on the rocks, New Brunswick, Canada 1972
- Crees, James Bay, 1970, Canada
- Genevieve Bujold, Montreal, 1960
- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 1972
Guy Borremans emigrated from Belgium to Montreal in the mid-fifties and established himself as one of the leading photographer and cinematographers in Quebec and in Canada. After working as a photographer in Belgium, Borremans found work in Montreal as a press photographer and had his first solo photography exhibit in 1956.
He moved to New York City in 1965 to work for the United Nations Film Department, National Educational Television (NET), as well as Movietone and other production companies. He moved back to Montreal in 1968, and worked in still photography. He also taught film and photography at the University of Montreal, Moncton University and Concordia University.
Borremans has contributed to more than forty productions and has held thirty-three solo exhibitions of his photography. His photographs are in many museum collections, such as the Canadian Museum of History in Ottawa, the Museum of Fine Arts in Quebec City and private collections in New York City, Japan and China.
For all inquiries related to exhibition, loan requests, reproduction rights, or for more information about this collection contact Ariel Borremans.
Instagram: @guyborremansphotography